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New Service for Giftware Association Members
One of the GA’s newest services and benefits for its members is an exciting new addition that we don’t want to fly under the radar, as it will be an immense help to you and your business. Our new business advice lines and member-only website will save you both time and money and a wealth of advice all covered by your membership. So what is this the new service?
It covers a wide area of your business from HR and Employment Law to Health and Safety and legal issues. All aspects that are key elements within any successful business and any extra knowledge or guidance that we can give you along the way is always a positive. We have three ways to access all this information.
Advice Line
You will have unlimited access to our advice line that will give you all the practical advice you need on the following topics: HR, Employment Law, Health & Safety, Legal Issues plus tax and VAT matters. Sarah Ward says, “the more we have visited our members at shows, we have had more and more queries about how we, as a membership organisation, can help our members with HR advice and also the practicalities of setting up a proper HR aspect to any business, whether it’s advice on contracts or if the business is expanding and they need a helping hand, this new service will enable them to get this advice from a simple phone call or by navigating around the website to get exactly what they need.”
The advice lines are open and ready for your queries; call them on 0116 243 7591, but you can contact us here at the Giftware Association to get this information.
A wealth of knowledge at your fingertips is one of the best ways to describe the website associated with this service. As a stand-alone benefit as well as being used in conjunction with the advice lines, our members can access over 700 documents covering HR, Employment Law, Health & Safety, Legal Issues plus Tax and VAT matters. The website also includes a HR and H&S check, all things that can add value to your company. If you are unsure which document is best for your purpose or you just want a friendly tour of what is available, please call the advice line and they can walk you through which documents are best suited for you.
Every member will have access to the website with their own individual log in; this was emailed to you recently with our monthly renewals. If you have mislaid this information then please get in touch as we wouldn’t want you to miss out.
As well as all the above advice lines and websites, this service also covers for you with a legal expenses insurance policy with £1 million excess free cover to protect your business. This is a massive saving if you are already paying out for insurance and one less worry for you as you are covered for as long as you are a member.
Sarah Ward Continues, “It’s beneficial for our members to make the most out of the service and even just to ring up and log on to see what there is to offer, as we may offer something that you didn’t think you needed. And we are very excited to have launched this service.”
This amazing new service can help you resolve any issues you have with HR and employment law, health and safety, legal or tax. You can use the advice line and website hand in hand and the team is always happy to help and offer assistance. You don’t even have to wait until you have a serious problem before you call. The advice and website will help any questions that you may have.
For more information and any queries please contact us at