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the giftware association


Jeremy Corner, owner of Blue Eyed Sun and Vice-Chairman of the Giftware Association, will be speaking to retailers on social media and the digital marketing on the high street at Autumn Fair.

Jeremy is a Sage Business Expert, Treasurer of the Greeting Card Association, a blogger, vlogger, columnist and an experienced speaker on social media, marketing and business.

Be sure to check out this seminar:

Session title: The digital high street is approaching; how to future-proof your business

Description: • What is changing on the high street and how will this affect independent retailers?

  • What digital opportunities are there to differentiate and grow your high street brand?
  • What are the obstacles with using digital solutions and how can you overcome them?

Location: Master the High Street in the Inside Retail Theatre

Type of session: Seminar

Date: 9/3/2017

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