Education and Resources

Topics discussed are as follows;
• The merchandising basics
o What does a Merchandiser do?
o Why is it important
• Planning
o Its importance and why we do it
o Sales, stock, options and margin
o The range plan
• In Season Trading
o Are your planned sales and margins being realised?
o What products are selling to plan? What’s not working?
o Have you got enough/too much stock?
o Forecasting
• Analysis
o Why this is critical
o Understanding the full picture
o How does this impact future decisions
• Exit
o Why do we plan this?
o The importance of data driven decisions
Role of Merchandising
The Importance of good merchandising (stock management) in your product business. A session dedicated to the value and efficiency to be gained in your business through better stock management. GA members will be introduced to the principles that underpin good merchandising practice alongside the benefits of focus on this within your business.
Price: Free