Education and Resources

the giftware association
UK/Ireland Shows - Suppliers

We have also included some B2C shows to be aware of. There is a benefit to exhibiting at the occasional B2C both for brand awareness, but also to give you the opportunity to meet your customers and hear any feedback directly, rather than via sales agents and retailers.


Whichever shows you are thinking of exhibiting at, we highly recommend visiting them prior to signing up. This allows you to see who else in there, the mix of buyers etc. Just relying on talking to other exhibitors can be dangerous as their product and customer mix will be different to yours.


UK/Ireland Shows - Suppliers

Deciding on which show to exhibit at can be difficult. It’s a balance of finding the ones that will get you in front of the right buyers at a cost that works for you. The best known are probably Spring & Autumn Fairs, Top Drawer and Home & Gift Harrogate, but there are plenty of other shows that may work better for you.


We have also included some B2C shows to be aware of. There is a benefit to exhibiting at the occasional B2C both for brand awareness, but also to give you the opportunity to meet your customers and hear any feedback directly, rather than via sales agents and retailers.


Whichever shows you are thinking of exhibiting at, we highly recommend visiting them prior to signing up. This allows you to see who else in there, the mix of buyers etc. Just relying on talking to other exhibitors can be dangerous as their product and customer mix will be different to yours.

Price: £10.00