News & Articles

UK-EU TCA Domestic Advisory Group
UK Domestic Advisory Group under the UK-EU Trade and Cooperation Agreement: expressions of interest for membership
The UK government invites expressions of interest by 19 June 2024 to join the Domestic Advisory Group within the UK-EU Trade and Cooperation Agreement.
First published.
Customs and Goods movement
Check if you can apply for the UK Carrier Scheme
Check if you can use UK Carrier (UKC) Scheme authorisation to move consumer parcels from Great Britain to Northern Ireland. First published.
Import of products, animals, food and feed system (IPAFFS)
Use IPAFFS to notify enforcement authorities about imports to Great Britain.
The page has been updated with information about changes to imports in line with the Border Target Operating Model.
Transiting animals and animal products through Great Britain
Rules to follow if you’re moving animals or animal products from one country to another and transiting through Great Britain (England, Scotland and Wales), known as ‘landbridge’ movements.
The guidance has been updated to include the latest information about the border target operating model risk categories and border control post checks.
HMRC videos and webinars for VAT
Webinar links for VAT Accounting Schemes, VAT – using the Flat Rate Scheme and VAT – the basics and the VAT return have been updated.
Defra Resources and Waste: Extended Producer Responsibility for Packaging (pEPR) Update