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Sarah Ward will once again be attending theBank of England Genesis Initiative meeting in her capacity as the CEO for TheGiftware Association on the 12th March.
Sarah has attended the last few years of The Genesis Initiativemeetings which discusses the threats and opportunities to SME’s with theever-changing socio-political climate. Complete the short questionnairebelow to enable Sarah to take your views and opinions to thecommittee It gives the Giftware industry a chance to air theirviews on relevant topics such as Brexit, importing and exporting, thecoronavirus outbreak and much more.
There are 5.7m SMEs in the UK which account for over 99% of private-sector firms and 60% of total UK private sector employment. SMEs also account for 73% of all net private-sector job creation in the UK, creating about 2m jobs since 2010. With these SMEs essentially the backbone of industry in the UK, Discussions at the meeting focused a lot on Brexit and what will happen after and how can an SME prepare.
Sarah will share the results with The Genesis Initiative and The GA will share them amongst our wider audience too.
Thank you
The Giftware Association Team