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We caught up with Harprit Pitu Suri, Director of Oceanic Jewellers Ltd to find out more about the business and what it means to be running a jewellery brand in the UK.
How did you start your business?
Oceanic Jewellers is a family business started in 1977 by our parents, Lord & Lady Suri. The business is now operated by 3 siblings, Manu, Pitu and Guni.
What is unique about your jewellery brand?
Majique jewellery brand is very 'British' with a growing following on Social Media, FB, TWIT, Insta. We are a niche market, wearable brand. We have built a reputation for unique design, style and, of course, quality over the 42 years. Our jewellery has a modern, contemporary feel and we aspire to allow the wearer to really express their personality when they put on some of our pieces.
Where do you currently distribute your jewellery?
Primarily in the Britain, working with 'UK Highstreet', with some exports. Historically we have had strong exports which have seen a decline as a result of Global Political protectionism. We endeavor to put these up as a Nation. There is a huge appetite for British innovation and product globally.
What are the benefits for a retailer of working with you?
What we really love to focus on is being jewellery wholesalers to businesses that sell to the public. Whether you have a small website selling unusual jewellery or operate on an online marketplace offering jewellery featuring affirmations, we can work with you to supply you with exciting new stock whenever you need it. We'd also love to hear from you if you have a traditional 'bricks and mortar' shop selling costume jewellery exclusively or alongside other products, as many of our existing clients operate on this basis. You might be surprised to hear that we can offer a range of services on top of allowing you to buy direct from us, including free gift packaging, point of sale materials such as metallic logos, merchandising ideas, window display suggestions, sales support and much more.
What are the challenges of running a jewellery wholesale brand in the UK?
The challenge is adopting change and evolution. With the increasingly reactive retail landscape and a very transparent supply chain, the idea of forward order is a thing of the past! Shops and traders prefer to buy 'in the season' and not tie up budgets and cash flow in advance. the balancing act of having a small inventory is key. We are in the 4th Industrial Revolution of Britain. Let us make history again.
What advice would you give to someone thinking of starting out in the jewellery industry?
The consumer is time restricted and overburdened with data. The offering is immense and available over many supply channels. Price sensitivity is what we are all continually experiencing. In any sector these days one must offer an experience, tell a story, and not just sell the product. British design and creative industry is being pushed beyond boundaries. let us, as a sector, put the great back into Great Britain
If we could help you with one aspect of your business, what would that be?
The JDA must assist its members gain visibility on the internet. A necessity & important factor in what is the 4th Industrial revolution.
What news do you have to share with us so we can celebrate your achievements in 2018?
The business of 42 years, commenced in 1977, is still supplying UK High Street, evolving in the 4th Industrial revolution. I sit on several committees in the City of London, promoting Trade at home and abroad. One such being the LCCI London Chamber of Commerce and Industry ' The Voice of London'. I continue to make an opinion, contribute, shape and implement change.
What are you looking to achieve in 2019?
Sustain the business and brand of 42 years , in what is a challenging time for UK politically & economically.
What trade shows can we find you at in 2019?
We are online 365 days a year! Trade shows are a thing of the past, footfall is down at the jewellery shows, jewellery buyers do not want to come out and buy at a venue for reasons i expressed earlier.
I implemented change in our company's strategy on Trade shows back in the 2000's . We eliminated our participation from destinations in declining performance from HK, Germany, Italy, Spain, Paris, & finally the NEC in Birmingham. Trade show organisers must adopt & work within the parameters of The 4TH Industrial Revolution.
Product Spotlight: Shine a spotlight on your TOP 5 pieces for 2019. ACRYLIC TRENDS