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Please make sure to check the small print before signing anything relating to any event and exhibitions that you are signed up to. Exhibitors are being targeted by companies claiming to be, or work with, event organisations. They use your event branding and unfortunately appear genuine.
Organisations such as Event Fair, Data Verlag, Expo Guide (Mexico) and International Fairs Directory (Portugal) are targeting exhibitors with their misleading directory services. Unsuspecting exhibitors who sign and return the form are then contracted into a three-year, non-retractable agreement, which could cost the exhibitor a significant amount of money,
It is, however, not just directories, we have been informed that exhibitors have also been targeted by alleged hotel companies. It is therefore extremely important that you remain vigilant when signing documents seemingly related to your events. Many Association of Event Organisers (AEO) Members include information on their websites, in exhibitor manuals and at exhibitor days, we would encourage this practice and any other means of customer communication that is relevant to you to spread the word.
If you fall victim to this scam:
Our advice is to IGNORE THEM COMPLETELY, and not communicate with them in any way. Writing letters simply confirm that you exist and are available at the address/email address/number they have for you, and therefore payment can be pursued.
1) Report it to your local trading standards
3) DO NOT COMMUNICATE WITH THE SCAMMERS even when they threaten legal action
4) Optional: Complain to the receiving bank that their client Expo Guide (or equivalent), is obtaining money by deception.
These organisations have also been known to use debt recovery agencies, the same advice stands for these agencies.
For more information please contact us at the or sign up for updates o the AEO website -