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Farm Shop & Deli Awards
Celebrating and supporting speciality retailers
Free to enter the Farm Shop & Deli Awards, members of The GiftwareAssociation, are highly respected in the industry for playing an important rolein supporting, and celebrating, the UK’s independent, specialist retail market.
Are you a specialist food retailer, or supply one worthy ofentering?
The Awards are across eleven categories: baker,butcher, cheesemonger, deli, farm shop large, farm shop small, fishmonger, foodhall, greengrocer, online business, local shop & village store. Awards arealso presented to ‘best in region’ for East Anglia, Midlands, North East, NorthWest, Northern Ireland, Scotland, South East, South West and Wales.
If you are interested in entering, orknow a retailer who should, please visit the Awards website where you’ll find a wealth of informationand link to the online entry form.
Hurry as entries close on Friday 20th September.
Find out more and enter at: